Why SLPs Need Yin Self-Compassion (Plus 6 Gifts to Give Yourself This Holiday)

The holidays are here, and we are all looking forward to some downtime, time off from work, gathering with friends and family, gift-sharing, etc.

And speaking of gifts, don't forget about yourself! This can be such a great time to recharge our batteries and take some time to go inwards and think about how you can take care of YOURSELF with some self-compassion.

Self-Compassion - What Is It And Why It's Important?

We, speech-language pathologists, have a natural tendency to care for others. And sometimes, we are so focused on everybody else that we forget to take care of ourselves. And no, this is not selfish; it's a must-have for performing at our best. You can read more about why self-care and self-compassion are so important here.

You can take great self-care through practicing yoga, running, taking a bubble bath, or whatever makes your heart sing, but if you are constantly criticizing and beating yourself up, then this isn’t true self-care! True self-care includes being loving and compassionate to yourself. Treating yourself like you treat the people whom you love.

Self-compassion also helps us acknowledge that we all are humans. We all make mistakes. The greatest power we have is to learn, grow, and be kind to ourselves through this process without dwelling or beating ourselves up. Through practicing self-compassion, we become more confident and motivated...

The Yin And Yang Of Self Compassion

Dr. Kristin Neff, a leading expert on self-compassion, stresses its importance and emphasizes its different components - yin and yang.

We all have heard of Chinese philosophy and its yin and yang elements.

The white color represents the yang. Yang is more masculine and naturally represents motion, energy, and warmth. On the other hand, the black color represents the yin energy, which is more feminine, nurturing, and still.

And while those components are very different, you cannot have one without the other. You cannot have light without first recognizing that there is darkness.

Similar to Chinese philosophy, there is also yin and yang in self-compassion. Yin is more feminine and calm, and yang is more masculine and assertive. With the holiday break upon us, let's focus on the yin side of self-compassion and think of ways to nurture, rest, and find ways to care for ourselves to restore our energy. We naturally think of its yin side - it's more kind, nurturing, and receptive.

The Gifts You Can Give Yourself For Yin Self-Compassion

And as the next couple of weeks are a time when we have downtime, and we naturally want to go inwards and snuggle up. Here are some suggestions and a list of 6 ideas that you can gift to yourself for yin self-compassion:

1) Practice mindfulness. Mindfulness is a way to be present and aware of your feelings and sensations at the present moment. The more you practice, the better you become at being calm, centered, and at peace with the present. Maybe before you wake up, you lay in bed and count your breaths, or maybe you prefer to listen to the sounds of raindrops or the birds outside.

2) Intentionally schedule some "me" time on your calendar. Book a time on your calendar where you can take a lunch, call a friend, or do whatever your heart desires. Something that fills you up.

3) Treat your body well! Get a massage, go for a walk, do some stretching, whatever helps you relax and feel comfortable.

4) Allow yourself to feel all of your feelings. Take some time to allow your feelings to be present. Don't judge them; just recognize and reflect and let them be.

5) Gratitude journal. Make a list of all of the things that you are grateful for. If you like this gift, turn this tiny habit into a routine. You can read more about the importance of tiny habits here.

6) Don't judge. It's high time to stop being your worst critic; allow yourself to make mistakes and notice when you are being critical of yourself. Catch those thoughts and try to replace them with a mantra that turns them around. For sample mantras, go here.

The Bottom Line

Even though the holidays can often bring the hustle and bustle, try to capture some moments to yourself to practice some yin self-compassion. And yes, it might take some yang energy to carve out this special time for you, which is why balance and both are needed.

Next month we will focus our attention on the yang side of self-compassion. Until then, try some of these yin practices to fill yourself and your holidays with joy and ease.